Three Cheers for the Literary Anthology

By John Schulian The Los Angeles Times August 18, 1991 Exactly one day before I raised my right hand and marched into the Army in that blighted year of 1968, I saw the future I wanted. It was a sight that had eluded me throughout graduate school, but now, with the...

Howe Incredible

By Mordecai Richler Inside Sports November 1980 Clearly, he comes from good stock. Interviewed on Canadian television last year, his 87-year-old father was asked, “How do you feel?” “I feel fine.” “At what time in life does a man lose his sexual desires?” “You’ll have...

A Sportswriter Goes to War

By Alex Belth Introduction from Southwest Passage 2013 When he went off to cover the war in the Pacific in January 1943, John Lardner was twenty-nine years old and, thanks to his weekly column in Newsweek, already a major figure in sportswriting. Nothing at Madison...