In the Eye of the Storm a Year Later

By Gary Smith Life September 1990 “There are significant moments in the life of a human,” a significant man in Charleston, S.C., once told me. “Moments in our lives when we need to act right. It’s crucial that we recognize them when they come, that we gather the...

Joe Biden in the Crunch

By Gary Smith Life October 1987 The guide cupped his eyes against the sunlight and watched the man pick his way up the cliff. Where to? he wondered. Why? Their raft had ridden out the rapids and reached a place where the river rested. There the group of vacationing...

The Little Girl In Grave 1565

By Gary Smith Life November 1991 In a housing complex for the elderly in Easthampton, Mass., lived a lady in her eighties with sharp and clear blue eyes. The capital of Alabama is Montgomery. Her life was busy for a woman her age. She still worked two half days a week...

The Relentless Scrimmage of Dean Smith

By Gary Smith Inside Sports March 1982 THE COACH—Why should I win? Why should I feel fine tonight? Why should my friends and the ones who think they’re my friends stand out there pretending to wait for the traffic to thin when they’re really waiting to pump my hand...